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Food For Life Ministries

Building Lives

Blog posts : "Testimonials"

GOD: The Gardener Version


Neelima Singh

He speaks, have you heard him yet?

What version of God have you met? God has a version? Confused? Well let me put it this way, how has God manifested himself to you? Some people see God as a caring father, whenever they need something he provides. Some people see him as a prote…

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 Anointed Prophetic Art by A.G. Spandana

I would like to share what God has been speaking to me from Genesis: 12 and 20.In these chapters, We see in Abram’s life, how fear for his life makes him deceive kings.We see how despite his lack of faith in this situation, God is faithful to him by warni…

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I want to talk about the most important verse which gave me strength in my most needed situations of life.


 Philippians 4:6 TPT 

Do not be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God w…

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