This Mother’s Day, I am going through memories of trauma surrounding my mom’s death. I am so Thankful and grateful to God for divine interventions and for God’s beloved souls who were constantly by our side, supporting us in every way through unconditional love and prayers.
I am personally so humbled to experience God’s love manifesting through human vessels. Sometimes we feel - I and God are more than enough. Yes those supernatural encounters are breath-taking!! Supernatural manifestations are mind-blowing!!
Yet, Yet God in His wisdom and love allowed Ram and me to experience human love, human touch of kindness, care and compassion which helped us in our journey of healing. Helped us get back on our feet when we didn’t feel like standing at all. Helped us hope again when we felt hopeless.
These past two and half years, Jesus showed me that even though angels are truly magnificent beings and supernatural realm is breath-taking and beyond yet there is no supernatural power that beats a human soul who chooses to love unconditionally.
Right here, right now if you are loved and are able to love it’s supernatural already.
May we never lose the awe and wonder of being loved as a friend, as a daughter/son, husband, wife, father, mother, uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma or any form of relationship that we are blessed to have either through family ties or friendships.
May we never miss out on supernatural that is right there in-front of us and go searching elsewhere.
May we never lose out on God sent angels just because they are in flesh and blood and look so familiar that we mistake them for ordinary.
Yet they show up in our lives in extraordinary ways and choose to love us unconditionally. May we never lose sight of these magnificent breath-taking, mind-blowing eternal souls who are covered up in human form.
This Mother’s Day I want to remind you -
💘 You are supernatural!!
💘 You are heaven’s touch on earth!!
💘 You are tangible form of mercy, compassion and care!!
💘 You are tangible form of love and grace!!
💘 You are tangible form of Jesus that we get to touch, feel and experience!! (1 John 4:17 - In this world we are like Jesus.)
💘 You are a blessing in visible form!!
I declare these over every mom, mom-to-be, future moms, plus those who chose to take on the role of a mother due to circumstances - dads, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friend, and siblings.
Your labour of love is not in vain!!
Your tears will be rewarded with joy!!
Psalms 126:5 - They that sow in tears shall reap in joy
Don’t give up on Jesus love for you!! He hasn’t given up on you!!
Hey Blessed Soul – Happy Mother’s Day!!