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Food For Life Ministries

Building Lives

Encountering God | Facing Unfairness

Especially this season of our lives, there is lot of emotional upheaval. Each day brings its own challenges.

Initially I wanted to find rhythm and synchrony in the chaos. But I have realised it’s much more peaceful to let it be and go with the flow. As not everything is under my control and a lot of things are out of my control. The only thing under my control is self control.

There is grace for self-control and it’s the place that God works too. God is always personal and would love to deal in person. He wouldn’t gossip about the other person while conversing with us. He is here to empower us into our real authentic self which is truly powerful, beautiful and meaningful. He makes a better version of us.

I love how God encounters Hagar when she was crying that her son was about to die of thirst in the desert (Genesis 21:8-21). As per humanity, It was complete injustice. Everything that happened to her was out of her control.

She wasn't responsible for the situationYet when she was crying out in the desert. God dealt with her about the golden future her dying son would have. Not about how unfair people were to her but how gracious God is to her and her son. God dealt with that injustice by making a glorious promise to her and her son.

In that situation of distress, where she had to witness the possible death of her own son, God encounters Hagar and her eyes open to the well of water.

Genesis 21:19 : Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.

In unfair circumstances of life, when God encounters you.

 He promises of glorious future that awaits you.

 He opens our eyes in the present that solves the crisis.

⟹ In God's encounter, the cry of injustice vapourizes as our eyes are opened to God's Glorious Promises.

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